Oil Paintings and Art Work
Art Designs by K

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Here are some of my Oil Paintings
Some were special commissioned work, and others were just inspired. Prints are available for some of them. Contact me for prices.

Soulful Eyes, 16x20 Oil

Elegant Equine, 30x36 Oil

Commissioned Oil, 16x20

Magnificent Mosaic, 11x14 Oil

Turquoise Troubadour, 11x14 Oil

Painted Lady, 11x14 Oil

Commissioned Portrait, 16x20 Oil

Commissioned Portrait, 16x20 Oil

Commissioned Work, 34x36 Oil

Carousel Escapee #1, 11x14 Oil/SOLD

Carousel Escapee #2, 11x14 Oil/SOLD

Eric's Friend, Watercolor, SOLD

Cat 'N Sack, 20x24 Oil

Mermaid by the Sea, 11x14 Oil, SOLD

Japanese Garden, 12x36 Oil

Eternity, 20x24 Oil, SOLD

Hallelujah, 26x30 Oil

God's Promise, 16x20 Oil

Apple Blossoms, 16x20 Acrylic

Wild Flowers, 16x20 Oil

Sunset, 11x14 Acrylic

Nature's Colors, 20x24 Oil

Sting Ray, 20x24 Oil, SOLD

Panda (detail), 20x24 Oil

Table for Romance, Commissioned, 26x30 Oil

Golden City Sunrise, 16x20 Acrylic

Lost Souls, Pencil, 14x14

Angel #1, 8x10 Pencil

Angel #2, 8x10 Pencil

Playful Porpoise, 7x9, Pencil


ArT Designs by K