The Carver and The Angel
There was an old carver, his hands gentle, yet strong he'd whittle and carve, caressing his wood all day long One day he sighed as he finished his best an angel with trumpet ... now at last he could rest He gazed and admired the beautiful grain and rubbed his gnarled fingers to help ease the pain
The angel whispered, saying, "...Carver, come near
put the horn of my trumpet next to your ear"
You'll learn how eternal God's works truly are
how even my beauty began from afar
You brought forth my soul for the whole world to see
but long, long ago, I was just a young tree
I grew through the weather, so tender and new
trying to learn what it was I should do
The wind blew so strongly, I almost lost hold
but I learned to dig deeply, my roots learned to hold
I learned I must bend in strong gusts of wind
but never to break, or to quit, or give in
I'd often bask in sun light.... leaves swaying to and fro
thanking God in heaven for His beauty here below
In fact, as I look back I see... that so very much of time
was spent in ease and comfort, with no stress of any kind
Rain would fall from heaven, soaking me so well
my bark, leaves and roots, would drink it up and swell
Then the sun would start shining to dry up all the earth
as I stood there in wonder and pondered my worth
Storms and tornadoes, yes... these I have lived through
I'd scream through the torture, crying, Lord... what did I do?
I've been bent double, pulled... and sometimes very twisted
screaming in terror as my branches resisted
One terrible night when I had grown big and strong
when I thought I had conquered, a storm came along
After being torn up and stripped of each leaf
a lightening bolt struck me and filled me with grief
I lay there, torn and splintered for an endless eternity
thinking how strong I'd once been
...how could this happen to me?
Then one day you picked me up with your hands so gentle and warm
and through the cuts and sandings, new life you began to form
I often screamed and cried in pain, although you could not hear
and though I cursed your very name, your hand still dried each tear
I didn't know what I'd become, as I'd lain there on the ground
now you've made me what I thought I'd been
before I was lost... then found
Your hands have wrought a miracle, at last I see the light
living God's way may be hard ....
but it's certainly well worth the fight!
Time should used to the fullest degree not squandered or frittered away You only get out what dare to put in so put forthyour
full effort each day
Greet each rising sun
with enthusiastic joy
treat every day
as new unmodeled clay
Sculpture every minute
into golden works of art
each hour, a guilded memory to stay!
To My Daughter on Mother's Day
You're the kind of mother, I wish that I had been But to many outside pressures, too often I gave in I love to watch your compassion with each and every child
You're gentle and understanding,
never harsh or wild
Your patience is like that of Job,
trusting always in the Lord
You care so, for your family,
and their love is your reward
You're married to a man of faith
who follows God's command
It's good to know he's there for you
to lend his steady hand
Yes, Lori, you're a Mother...
the greatest that I've seen
Your halo shines so brightly,
with a holy, heavenly sheen
The foundation of these precious lives
is based on Dad & Mother
On Mother's Day ...
I'll honor you...
more than any other!
What if death weren't really death but a New Beginning, with no end Another door that one steps through to meet a waiting friend
There's be no cause for sadness then
maybe a tear,
but no great sorrow
It'd be just like another trip
when we know
we'll meet tomorrow
Death is, in fact, a passing
into life that's free from pain
A place where
there is no defeat
just freedom, love, and gain
A place where
we will learn of things
we now don't know
For learning is eternal
no matter where we go!
Stepping stones or stumbling blocks are always in our path Stepping stones can lead us on
stumbling blocks
cause wrath
Stepping stones
can pave the way
to new and better things
And as we skip along
the road our heart
takes flight and sings
Often times
a stepping stone
becomes a stumbling block
And slows down all our
progress or throws us
into shock
If you're stopped dead
in your tracks
by a block of huge
Perhaps it's just a
stepping stone mis-shapen
by contortions
The task is clear;
to conquer and not
to be held back
And turn that block
into a stone and kick
it off the track.
Now once again the path
is clear and we progress
in timely fashion
Over-coming obstacles can
fill our hearts with passion
Don't let ugly stumbling
blocks cut short your
staunch progression
You can subdue the worst
of foes with determination
as your obsession.
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What heavenly inspiration wht answers to my prayers What lightening of my burdens and easing of my cares What knowledge has invaded this erstwile, feeble brain What truths of heaven are instilled
such lifting of the pain
Such purpose now for being
I'm more than "passing through"
My works on earth will earn for me
whatever rewards are due
But the greatest gift of all is free
Since Jesus gave His blood for me!
Think before you say a word they might not understand For once it's said, you just can't take it back. Each and every thing you do can never be undone So contemplate results you want
from each and every act.
"Do and Say" this very day
all good things, and true
Then yesterday has no regrets
Tomorrow will be brand new!